
Learn About Safe Seller Program


Virtual Listing Consultation

Using Zoom or Facetime, we meet with you to learn about each other. We will explain how we will market your home and discuss your expectations during the home selling process. We take the time to thoroughly educate you about the real estate market to determine the timing of your sale and plans to move. At this meeting, we will virtually tour your home to understand your home’s features. If we decide to work with us, we will schedule a virtual pricing recommendation.

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Virtual Pricing Recommendation

You are in control of the price.Our goal is to present you with a comprehensive review of comparable properties currently for sale and recently sold.Price is a critical part of our marketing strategy. We can also arrange offers from our instant buyers if a quick sale is a high priority.

Electronic Documents

Our business is paperless; you will be able to electronically review documents and sign your contract and other documents from the comfort of your home.

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In-Person Property Walkthrough

We will schedule a time to come to your home on a day and time convenient for you to leave the property.  We will conduct a thorough walkthrough of your home to identify any staging related or deferred maintenance repair opportunities that we might not have been able to see during the virtual walkthrough.  We will bring the sign and lockbox at this time; all of this is done while wearing gloves, protective face covering and leaving shoes at the door.

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Virtual Reality Marketing

We will schedule professional photography a virtual tour, 3D tour, and floor plans. This allows buyers to have a clear understanding of your home through a virtual walkthrough: great photos and ease of viewing positions your home as a top choice among potential buyers.

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Controlled Showing Schedule

We require Realtors to confirm the buyer has toured your home online and require a mortgage approval before scheduling an in-person tour.To make things easier for you during the home selling process, we allow Realtors to only show your home g various preset three-hour time blocks.

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Seller Safety Protocal

We require the use of masks, gloves, removal of shoes during the showing. We confirm with the Realtor that to confirm they and their buyer does not have symptoms of Covid-19 or have had exposure to someone with a known case of Co-19id. We ask you to turn on the lights and open all doors to minimize contact by buyers. We recommend that you do use sanitizing wipes to wipe off commonly touched items such as door handles and faucets.

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Electronic Earnest Money Delivery

We will confirm your buyers escrow deposit has been placed with the closing attorney.

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Virtual Closing

At your choice, you can close in person in a secure room or receive the closing documents electronically to review with our attorney and utilize electronic signature and notarization.Your proceeds will be wired to the account of your choice.

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Moving Day

Congratulations, you’ve sold your home. If your home is vacant, we will place a secure lockbox on the property that only the buyer knows the code.  If you are moving after closing day, we will provide a lockbox to leave keys for the buyer. You have successfully sold your home virtually.

Virtual home selling might not be for everyone. You can still have the option of doing any of the above safely in person with us. We social distance, wear masks, minimize touch, discuss the home outside, and sanitize.  You are in control; for every step of the process, we make virtual an option to make things easier for you.